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Pacific Crest Sports Weekend

All of my (Hans) training came into play this weekend as I competed in the Pacific Crest Duathalon. I had participated in this race in the past but it had been about 7 years since I last lined up for a 28mile bike race followed imidiately by a 10k run in Sunriver Oregon. It would have never happened this year if it wasn't for Dagz never ending support and encouragement.

I finished 24th out of 68 and 4th in my age group, with a finish time of 2h35m. I had hoped for a top 3 placement in my age group, but I was thrilled with my time in both the bike and run.

My whole family made the trip over to take part in the festivities. As soon as my parents found out I signed up for the race they immediately booked a place for the weekend just a few steps away from the finish line for front row seats to see the finish. Even my sister Macie and nephew Liam flew down from Spokane WA to help be part of the support crew .

After the race was over Liam imagined what it would feel like to compleate his first race in the near future, and got some uncle time. After Liam was done playing race finisher we sat down for one of our favorite indoor activities and played a few board games. While hiding in the comfort of A/C on a 100 degree day we played our new favorite game 7 Wonders, and were even able to talk my mom Jan into playing a few games.

We are already planning on participating in this again in the future and making this a family tradition as we loved the atmosphere and exitemnt the event brings. As Dag cannot run there is a new event AquaBike (swim and bike) which she has been eyeing and is hoping to participate in next year. And my sister is even talking about doing her first half marathon here next year.

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